Once you begin composting at home, you quickly realize that your kitchen is a great source of materials to throw in your compost bin or compost pile.
But who wants to make a trip back and forth to the yard every time you make a meal at home?
That’s where a compost crock comes in handy. You can just keep one on your kitchen counter and add eggshells, coffee grounds, orange rinds, apple cores and any other fruit or vegetable odds and ends that you end up with. Throw them into the crock and then just empty it once every few days, or once a week!
Here is a selection of nice looking compost crocks that you might consider for your house.
If you’re too cheap to buy one of these, you can always use a Tupperware container, by the way!
A plastic compost crock is your simplest choice. This green one holds almost two gallons’ worth of kitchen scraps, and has a nice handle and a carbon filter to keep out any smells. It’s around $20, online.
This Bamboo Compost Crock is cool because it’s made of a sustainable material. However, we should point out that it has a plastic liner on the inside, so it’s not all wine and eco roses. Holds about 3 liters’ worth of materials, and also has a carbon filter and nice handle. $39 online.
And what about a stainless steel compost crock? Goes perfectly with your stainless kitchen appliances! Holds about a gallon, dishwasher safe, has carbon filters, and a nice handle. Also around $39 online.
This white ceramic compost crock is simple and elegant. Holds about a gallon, uses a carbon filter, has a handle, and is also dishwasher safe like the others. The downside to ceramic is that if you drop it, CRASH! $39 online.
I’ve heard that once you use a black ceramic compost crock, you never go back! This one has the same specs as the white one, with just the opposite color. Also $39, available online.
So which one of these compost crocks is your favorite? I prefer the white ceramic crock.